Cut-off Switches

4 Circuit Contactor – 12VDC, 24Amp
The 24 Amp, 12VDC, 4 Circuit Contactor allows our RCS4 Remote Cut Off Switch to control up to 4 branch circuits. Additional contactors can be added to control additional circuits with the same Remote Cutoff Switch.
Contactor Technical Details
- 12 VDC coil voltage – used as the trigger
- Normally Closed
- Rated for 9 amps per contactor – Reactive Current Load (Motors)
- 4 Pole – 4 individual contactors allowing for control of up to 4 branch circuits
- Rated 24 amps per contactor – Resistive Current Load (Incandescent Lights, electric heater)
Recommended Circuit Configuration:
- Four – 15 Amp circuits (Resistive Load Only)
- Four – 20 Amp circuits (Resistive Load Only)
- Any combination of four 15 and 20 amp circuits (Resistive Load Only)
- Consult with your local electrician for proper application
12VDC 24-Amp 4 Circuit Contactor
- Allows for multiple circuit control with 1 Remote Control Cut Off Switch
- Mounts on Standard DIN rail – not included
- Up to 4 Branch circuits per contactor
- High Quality ABB Contactor (Noiseless – Hum free)
- For use only with the RCS4 Remote Control Cut Off Switch

4 Circuit Contactor – 12VDC, 40Amp
The 40 Amp, 12VDC, 4 Circuit Contactor allows our RCS4 Remote Cut Off Switch to control up to 4 branch circuits. Additional contactors can be added to control additional circuits with the same Remote Cutoff Switch.
Contactor Technical Details
- 12 VDC coil voltage – used as the trigger
- Rated 40 amps per contactor – Resistive Current Load (Incandescent Lights, electric heater)
- Rated for 24 amps per contactor – Reactive Current Load (Motors)
- Normally Open
- 4 Pole – 4 individual contactors allowing for control of up to 4 branch circuits
Recommended Circuit Configuration:
- Any combination of four 15 and 20 amp circuits (Resistive Load Only)
- Consult with your local electrician for proper application
- Four – 15 Amp circuits (Resistive Load Only)
- Four – 20 Amp circuits (Resistive Load Only)
- Any combination of four 15 and 20 amp circuits (Resistive Load Only)
- Consult with your local electrician for proper application
12VDC 40-Amp 4 Circuit Contactor
- Up to 4 Branch circuits per contactor
- For use only with the RCS4 Remote Control Cut Off Switch
- Mounts on Standard DIN rail – not included
- High Quality ABB Contactor (Noiseless – Hum free)
- Allows for multiple circuit control with 1 Remote Control Cut Off Switch

Antenna – 15 Meter Cable
Antenna including a 15 Meter / 49 foot cable to decrease the distance between the antenna and the Remote Cut Off Switch Transmitter.
Most Remote Cut Off switches are mounted beside breaker panels, below grade and in basements. If your Remote Control Cut Off Switch is not working very well from far away, you may be experiencing interference from objects near your receiver’s antenna or the floor above it could be blocking the signal. Use this antenna to mount it in a different location or on the floor above without having to move the Remote Cutoff Switch.

Contactor – 4 Circuit, 120VAC, 24 amp
The 24 Amp, 120VAC, 4 Circuit Contactor allows our previous Remote Cut Off Switch to control up to 4 branch circuits. This contactor is valid for our Cut off switches from 2015 and prior.
24-Amp 4 Circuit Contactor
- High Quality ABB Contactor (Noiseless – Hum free)
- Allows for multiple circuit control with 1 Remote Control Cut Off Switch
- Up to 4 Branch circuits per contactor
- For use only with the Remote Control Cut Off Switch
- Mounts on Standard DIN rail – not included
Recommended Circuit Configuration:
- Four – 15 Amp circuits (Resistive Load Only)
- Four – 20 Amp circuits (Resistive Load Only)
- Any combination of four 15 and 20 amp circuits (Resistive Load Only)
- Consult with your local electrician for proper application
Contactor Technical Details
- Normally Closed
- 4 Pole – 4 individual contactors allowing for control of 4 branch circuits
- 120 VAC coil voltage – used as the trigger
- Rated 24 amps per contactor – Resistive Current Load (Incandescent Lights, electric heater)
- Rated for 9 amps per contactor – Reactive Current Load (Motors)

Contactor – 4 Circuit, 120VAC, 40 amp
The 40 Amp, 120VAC, 4 Circuit Contactor allows our previous Remote Cut Off Switch to control up to 4 branch circuits. This contactor is valid for our Cut off switches from 2015 and prior.
40-Amp 4 Circuit Contactor:
- High Quality ABB Contactor (Noiseless – Hum free)
- Allows for multiple circuit control with 1 Remote Control Cut Off Switch
- Up to 4 Branch circuits per contactor
- For use only with the Remote Control Cut Off Switch
- Mounts on Standard DIN rail – not included
Recommended Circuit Configuration:
- Four – 15 Amp circuits (Resistive or Inductive Load)
- Four – 20 Amp circuits (Resistive or Inductive Load)
- Any combination of four 15 and 20 amp circuits (Resistive or Inductive Load)
- Consult with your local electrician for proper application
Contactor Technical Details
- Normally Open
- 4 Pole – 4 individual contactors allowing for control of 4 branch circuits
- 120 VAC coil voltage – used as the trigger
- Rated 40 amps per contactor – Resistive Current Load (Incandescent Lights, electric heater)
- Rated for 24 amps per contactor – Reactive Current Load (Motors)

Demand Switch
Designed to eliminate AC Electric fields including “Dirty Electricity” in sleeping areas.
Sleeping areas are typically surrounded by a curtain of Electric Fields from live electrical house wiring. The offending wiring is located inside the ceilings, walls and floors and is used to supply power to lights and receptacles in a particular room. These wires constantly emit Electric Fields even when all lights, electronics and appliances are turned off. These Electric Fields can only be eliminated by shutting off the power at the source (ie. flipping off a breaker / removing a fuse). This is effective but not practical in most cases, so we offer another solution. Our Automatic Demand Switch works by automatically shutting off the power at the breaker panel / fuse box, when there is no demand for it. The Automatic Demand Switch continually monitors the power requirements of the circuit and automatically restores power when necessary. This approach deals directly with the source of the problem and offers effective protection from AC Electric Fields including Dirty Electricity. This can be verified with a Body Voltage Kit or an AC Electric Field Meter. “Know for sure” that you are protected from AC Electric Fields. A good night’s sleep is just a switch away

Demand Switch Mounting Rail
Demand Switch Mounting Rail (DIN Mounting Rail – 6 inch)
- Supplied with purchase of a demand switch
- Required to mount the Demand Switch and Remote Cut Off Switch

RCS4 Spare Transmitter

Remote Cut Off Switch + 24 Amp Contactor
“Know for sure” that you’re shielded from AC Electrical areas. A great night’s sleep is merely a switch away.
Sleep areas are usually in the middle of a curtain of electrical fields from internal home wiring The offending wiring is situated within the ceilings, wall space and flooring. These wires are always producing electrical fields even when all lights, electronic devices are switched off. The electric fields are only removed by flipping the breaker or fuse. For most homes the breaker panel is far away and can be difficult to reach. The solution is the remote cutoff switch. It functions by closing and opening the power in the breaker panel whenever you press the button on the remote transmitter. The remote allows access to power quickly and efficiently.
This is the most cost effective solution creating a sleeping area that is free from EMF or dirty electricity caused by your home electrical wiring. This system can handle up to 4 circuits or zones
For EMF sensitive people the RF transmission of the remote is only momentary when a button is pressed.

Transmitter – 2015 and Prior
Additional transmitter for the Remote Cut Off Switch from the year 2015 and prior. Available in Version A, B or C.
Hand Held Transmitter:
- Add the convenience of a spare transmitter for your Remote Cut Off Switch
- Available in 3 Versions “A”, “B” and “C”
- Please specify Version Required in the Comments Section of the Order Form
Note: Version”A” and version “B” can be thought of as individual controllers that operate at different frequencies. The 2 different versions allow for the operation of 2 different sets of controls in a single location. For example, the “A” Cut off switch could be used to control all circuits on the first floor and the “B” cut off switch could be used to control all of the circuits on the second floor. Each version would control its own set of branch circuits and operate independently form the other.