RF Meters

An RF meter is a good first step to a safer and healthier home environment.  After metering you can then decide how to mitigate, one option is to choose from our wide selection of EMF and RF protection products that help combat against exposure to electromagnetic fields, radio frequencies, and microwave radiation. Browse our selection and find the right EMF and RF mitigation products that fit your needs.

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Acoustimeter AM-10

Introducing the Acoustimeter AM-10:

The Acoustimeter is a reliable, user friendly RF meter which enables you to make quick and informed decisions regarding the level and source of Radio Frequency signals in your environment. It comes equipped with two series of graduated LED lights and a LCD text display offering precise measurements with a lower update speed, giving you time to take note of the readings.

  • Displays peak, peak hold, and average levels of radio frequency electromagnetic fields, covering the spectrum from 200MHz all the way up to 8GHz (8000MHz) which covers the frequencies used by most modern communication systems
  • Peak exposure levels in V/m
  • Peak hold levels in V/m
  • Average exposure levels in µW/m2
  • A digital read out down to 0.02 V/m or 1uW/m2  
  • An audio output which aids with source identification
  • Sound demodulation may be heard at RF levels below 0.02 V/m
  • The LCD display offers high accuracy with a lower update speed, giving you time to take note of the readings.
  • Typically 25 hours on two charged 2700 mAhr NIMH rechargeable batteries

Also offers:
A speaker (and audio output socket for headphones or to feed to an audio recorder), allowing you to determine,with a small amount of practice, what type of device is creating the levels that are present. Sound samples are available to help you identify what type of signal your Acoustimeter is measuring. The sounds made by different transmitters can change with time, so these are meant as a rough guide only. If you are subject to a number of sources of RF, the sounds may intermingle and be less easily identified.

A built in antenna located at the top rear of the case. Signals are best measured with the source behind the instrument, but also quite good with the source to one or other side (particularly the left side away from the switches and volume control). It under-reads if the source is in front of the meter as the LCD display acts as an RF screen.

Acoustimeter AM-10 Meter Includes:

  • Acoustimeter
  • 2x AA Alkaline
  • Comes with its own carry bag
  • Internal antenna
  • 2 year Manufacturers Warranty
  • User Manual

HF35C RF Meter

Our Most Popular RF Meter – Measures Radio Frequency / Microwave Radiation (800MHz – 2.7 GHz) Audio Signal Analysis, 10 times more sensitive than the HF32D, Peak and Average Settings.

Are You Ready For a Meter with More Complex RF Detection Capabilities Without Giving Up the ‘Easy Use’ and ‘Simplified Source Identification’ Features of the HF32D?

  • 10 Times the measurement sensitivity of a Beginner Level Meter (HF32D)
  • A Coarse measurement range and Fine measurement range provide added value when needing to assess RF emissions
  • Coarse range covers stronger readings of 1 – 1999 µW/m²
  • Fine measurement range of 0.1 – 199.9 µW/m² offers higher sensitivity and allows for accurate detection of lower level signals
  • Increased sensitivity translates into detection of sources otherwise missed by our competitor’s RF detection equipment

Professional Level Upgrades:

  • Audio Identification: The meter’s audio tone replicates the signal patterns and intensity of measured RF emissions and aids in source identification
  • Peak Settings and Average Settings: While measurements taken on the Average Value setting provide a basic sense of RF levels at a test site, the Peak Value setting reveals the highest levels of RF being emitted. The Peak Value is regarded as the measurement critical to assessing potential biological effects

Also offers the features of the HF32D:

  • Easy to operate, power the unit on, selecting measurement settings and recording the LCD displayed readings as you walk the meter through your living space
  • Accessorized with a sturdy Logarithmic–Periodic Antenna, designed for directional detection of RF waves. Readings increase when the meter gets closer to or points in the direction of offending sources
  • Detects both analogue and pulsed digital signals (1 – 1999 µW/m²)
  • Detects RF radiation generated by cellular phones and cordless phones (Digital or DECT); microwave ovens; wireless communication devices such as internet routers, WLAN, Wi-Fi,  baby monitors, Bluetooth, video games, smart meters and cell phone towers in the operational range of 800 MHz to 2.7 GHz (GSM, UMTS, 2G, 3G, 4G)

HF38B RF Meter

Intermediate RF Meter – Measuring Range (800 MHz – 3.3 GHz) Audio Signal Analysis, 10 times more sensitive than the HF35C, Peak Hold Settings, Peak Settings and Average Settings, can measure higher power signals.

Experience a meter with Peak Hold features allow for accurate assessment of sources that emit strong, quick bursts of RF energy such as smart meters. Still easy to use and has the audio source identification features of the HF35C              

  • 100 Times the measurement sensitivity of a Beginner Level Meter (HF32D)
  • 10 Times the measurement sensitivity of a Intermediate Level Meter (HF35C)
  • Offers a Coarse measurement range, Medium measurement range and a Fine measurement range
  • Coarse range covers stronger readings of 1 – 19.99 mW/m²
  • Increased sensitivity translates into detection of sources otherwise missed by our competitor’s RF detection equipment

Professional Level Upgrades:

  • Audio Identification: The meter’s audio tone replicates the signalpatterns and intensity of measured RF emissions and aids in source identification
  • Peak Hold, Peak and Average Settings: While measurements taken onthe Average Value setting provide a basic sense of RF levels at a test site,the Peak Value setting reveals the highest levels of RF being emitted. The PeakValue is regarded as the measurement critical to assessing potential biological effects
  • Increased frequency response from up to 3.3 GHz (800 MHz to 3.3 GHz)

Also offers the features of the HF35C

  • Easy to operate, power the unit on, selecting measurement settings and recording the LCD displayed readings as you walk the meter through your living space
  • Accessorized with a sturdy Logarithmic–Periodic Antenna, designed for directional detection of RF waves. Readings increase when the meter gets closer to or points in the direction of offending sources
  • Detects both analogue signals and pulsed digital signals
  • Detects RF radiation generated by cellular phones and cordless phones (Digital or DECT); microwave ovens; wireless communication devices such as internet routers, WLAN, Wi-Fi, baby monitors, Bluetooth, video games, smart meters and cell phone towers (GSM, UMTS, 2G, 3G,4G)

HF38B RF Meter Includes:

  • HF38B Radio Frequency Meter
  • Logarithmic Periodic Antenna 800 MHz – 3.3 GHz vertically polarized
  • Users’ Guide
  • 2 Year Warranty Certificate
  • 9 V Alkaline Battery

HF59B RF Meter

Our Best Professional Level RF Meter – Measuring Range (800 MHz – 3.3 GHz) with Audio Signal Analysis. Includes standard directional antenna, peak hold feature, data output ports. This meter is compatible with the UBB27 “Quasi” Isotropic Antenna which will extend the measuring range (27MHz – 3.3GHz) and allows for Omni-Directional measurements.

Sophisticated Source Identification Plus Enhanced Accuracy Features Make this Radio Frequency Analyzer an RF Technician’s 1st Choice.

  • Equipped with One Antenna –  Directional Logarithmic – Periodic Antenna facilitates source identification. Readings increase when the antenna is pointed in the direction of or moved closer to offending sources – Frequency Range of 800 MHz to 3.3 GHz
  • Is compatible with the UBB27 “Quasi” Isotropic Antenna which can be purchased separately or as part of the HFE59B Meter Kit
  • Optional Pulsed Signal Setting or Analogue Signal Setting: Allows for in–depth signal identification and RF risk assessment. Studies show that digital signals have the greatest biological impact
  • AC/DC Outputs for Data Logging Functions: Allows for thorough test site assessment through data logging. Also designed to interface with computers and the NFA 1000 Data Logger
  • Detects RF radiation generated by cellular phones and cordless phones (DECT); microwave ovens; Radar;  wireless communication devices (such as internet routers, WLAN, Wi-Fi,  baby monitors, Bluetooth, video games); smart meters; cell phone towers in the operational range of 800 MHz @ 3.3 GHz (GSM, UMTS, 2G, 3G, 4G)

Plus Enhanced Accuracy Features:

  • Three Measuring Ranges: (Coarse: 1.0 – 19,999 µW/m² ; Medium: 0.1 – 199.9 µW/m²; Fine: 0.01 – 19.99 µW/m²) Medium range and Fine range options provide added value when needing accurate assessment of moderate to weaker signals
  • Option to add Attenuator DG20 G10: the Attenuator boosts the meter’s maximum measuring range by a factor of 100 (20 dB) which means stronger exposure levels can be accurately assessed up to 2,000,000 µW/m²
  • Peak Hold Feature guarantees accurately capturing momentary pulses, as in those emitted by smart meters


  • The meter’s audio tone replicates the patterns and intensity of measured RF emissions
  • Plug in ear phone accessory is optional
  • Comes equipped with both the NiMH rechargeable battery and battery charger, a storage/carrying case  designed to hold all of the HFE59B components, it can accommodate an additional RF meter or EMF meter

HF59B RF Meter Includes:

  • Plastic Carrying Case – K2 (33 x 27 x 16) cm (13 x 10.6 x 6.2) inches
  • HF59B Radio Frequency Analyzer
  • Antenna – Logarithmic Periodic 800 MHz – 2.7 GHz vertically polarized
  • Users Guide – RF Analyzer
  • 2 Year Warranty Certificate
  • Rechargeable Battery Pack
  • 120 VAC Battery Charger (220 VAC charger available on request)
  • Silicone protective cover – black

HFE35C RF Meter Kit

Versatile Intermediate RF Meter – Measures Radio Frequency / Microwave Radiation (27 MHz – 2.7 GHz) with Audio Signal Analysis. Includes 2 Antennas – standard directional antenna plus omni-directional antenna

Accurate Peak Measurements provide invaluable information for the layperson or technician who needs to assess potential biological impacts at an RF contaminated site. The HFE35C equipped with the “Quasi” Isotropic Antenna, takes biological assessment one step further. The Ultra Broadband “Quasi” Isotopic Antenna has the ability to assimilate and read the RF exposure conditions typical for a human body. A measurement taken with this equipment provides a 360 degree RF exposure snap shot.

  • Equipped with Two Antennas – enhanced circuitry for use with the Ultra Broadband Omni-Directional  UBB27 Antenna(Boosted Frequency Range of 27 MHz– 2.7 GHz) and the directional Logarithmic – Periodic Antenna designed to make source identification simple and efficient. Readings increase when the antenna is pointed in the direction of or moved closer to offending sources (Frequency Range of 800 MHz to 2.7 GHz).
  • Detects both analogue and pulsed digital signals (1 – 1999 µW/m²)
  • Detects RF radiation generated by cellular phone and cordless phones (DECT); microwave ovens; Radar; wireless communication devices (such as internet routers, WLAN, Wi-Fi,  baby monitors, Bluetooth, video games); smart meters; cell phone towers in the operational range of 27 MHz @ 2.7 GHz with the UBB27 antenna (GSM, UMTS, 2G, 3G, 4G)
  • In addition the UBB27 Antenna detects RF radiation generated by FM Radio; Amateur Radio; Digital & Analog TV

Professional Level Features Offered at a Unique Price to Performance Ratio:

  • Audio Signal Analysis replicates the patterns and intensity of measured RF emissions
  • Detects Full RF signal comprised of both analogue digital signals and pulsed digital signals
  • Coarse (0 – 1999 µW/m²) and Fine (0 – 199.9 µW/m²) Range Options. A Fine range option provides added value when needing accurate assessment of weaker signals
  • Peak and Average Settings:  While measurements taken on the Average Value setting provide a basic impression of RF levels at a test site, the Peak Value setting reveals the highest levels of RF being emitted. The Peak Value is regarded as the measurement critical to assessing potential biological effects.

HFE35C RF Meter Includes:

  • Plastic Carrying Case: K5 (33x 27 x 8 cm) (13 x 10.6 x 3.2 inches)
  • HFE35C: Radio Frequency Analyzer
  • Antenna: Ultra Broadband, Omni-Directional, 360º (27 MHz to 2.7GHz) (UBB27)
  • Antenna: Logarithmic Periodic 800 MHz – 2.7 GHz vertically polarized
  • User Guide: RF Analyzer and UBB27 Antenna
  • 2 Year Warranty:Certificate
  • Battery:  9 V Alkaline

HFE59B RF Meter Kit

Premium Cotton Shielding Fabric – Radio Frequency / Microwave effectiveness of 99.99% or 40 dB at (1000 MHz  / 1 GHz) and 99% effective up to (10,000 MHz / 10 GHz) (Width= 250 cm or 98.4 inches)

Naturell is our most popular decorative natural cotton fabric with excellent radio frequency / microwave radiation shielding characteristics

  • Premium Sheer natural cotton fabric
  • Ideal for curtains to shield windows or bed canopies
  • Designed and manufactured in Switzerland
  • OEKO-TEX Certified as a skin friendly textile and free from harmful substances
  • Used for shielding large surfaces (walls and windows) from high frequency electromagnetic waves (microwaves)
  • Unmatched shielding characteristics
  • Shielding Effectiveness 99.99% or 40 dB at 1000 MHz and 99% effective up to 10 GHz
  • Effective shielding for cell towers, cordless phones, security systems, wireless computer gear and more
  • Sheer fabric, easy to work with
  • Easy care – Washable, with no loss in protection

HFEW35C RF Meter Kit

he HFEW35C RF Meter Kit contains the Gigahertz Solutions HFE35C and the HFW35C. This kit is designed for a detecting a large scale of RF Signals ranging from 27MHz to 6GHz. The HFE35C has a measurements range from 27MHz to 3.3GHz while the HFW35C measures from 2.4GHz to 6GHz. Both the HFE35C and HFW35C offer an audio signal identification feature which allows for RF source identification. Get a better understanding of your RF exposure levels with the HFEW35C meter kit.

Supplied with:

Plastic Carrying Case: K5 (33x 27 x 8 cm) (13 x 10.6 x 3.2 inches)
HFE35C: Radio Frequency Analyzer

  • Antenna: Ultra Broadband Isotropic (27 MHz to 3.3GHz) (UBB27)
  • Antenna: LogarithmicPeriodic 800 MHz – 2.5 GHz vertically polarized
  • User Guide: RF Analyzer and UBB27Antenna
  • 2 Year Warranty:Certificate
  • Battery:  9 V Alkaline

HFW35C: Radio Frequency Analyzer – Wi-Fi Range

  • Antenna: Logarithmic Periodic 2.4 GHz-6GHz vertically polarized
  • User Guide: RF Analyzer
  • 2 Year Warranty:  Certificate
  • Battery: 9V Alkaline Battery

HFW35C RF Meter

Specialized RF Meter for Measuring Higher Frequency Sources of such as Bluetooth, WLAN, WiMAX and cordless telephones operate in the higher frequency ranges of 2.4 GHz – 6 GHz, includes Audio Signal Analysis.  The UBB2410 antenna can be added for omnidirectional measurements.

  • The compact and sturdy Logarithmic – Periodic Antenna has been engineered to capture the shorter in length, radio frequency waves emitted by wireless devices employing high frequency radio waves
  • Readings increase when the antenna is pointed in the direction of or moved closer to offending sources
  • Built in filters actively weed out frequencies outside of the 2.4 GHz– 6 GHz range. This allows for confident measurement of sources within the desired frequency range
  • Detects RF radiation generated by WLAN/WiFi (2.4 – 5.0 GHz); 5.8 GHz Cordless Phones, and more…

Professional Level Features Offered at a Unique Price to Performance Ratio:

  • The audio tone replicates the patterns and intensity of measured RF emissions
  • Pulsed Digital Signal Setting or Analogue Signal Setting allows for in depth signal identification and source identification as well as facilitating risk assessment (studies show that digital signals have the greatest biological impact)
  • A Fine range option provides added value when needing accurate assessment of weaker signals.  (Coarse:  0 – 1999 µW/m² and Fine: 0 – 199.9 µW/m² Range Options)
  • Peak Settings and Average Settings:  While measurements taken on the Average Value setting provide a general impression of RF levels at a test site, the Peak Value setting reveals the highest levels of RF being emitted. The Peak Value is regarded as the measurement critical to assessing potential biological effects

HFW35C RF Meter Includes:

  • HFW35C Radio Frequency Meter – Wi-Fi Range
  • Logarithmic Periodic Antenna 2.4 GHz- 6.0 GHz vertically polarized
  • Users’ Guide
  • 2 Year Warranty Certificate
  • 9 V Alkaline Battery

HFW59D Plus RF Meter Kit

Specialized, Professional Level RF Meter – Measuring Range (2.4GHz – 10GHz) with Audio Signal Analysis. This kit includes two antennas – a standard directional log-per antenna plus an omni-directional antenna which measures 360º. It has been designed to detect and measure the RF emissions generated within this range including the high radar frequency band at 8.5 through 9.5 GHz (Aviation, Naval, Military, Traffic Control Radar). Includes the HV20 pre-amplifier.

  • Fully compensated up to 10 GHz which includes the frequently used high radar frequency band at 8.5 through 9.5 GHz (Aviation, Naval, Military, Traffic Control Radar)
  • Maximum VBW for realistic readings of even the shortest radar pulses(smaller than 0.5 µS)
  • Optimized peak hold function
  • High sensitivity through the whole frequency range:  0.01 µW/m² display resolution with the HV20_2400G10 pre-amplifier for measurement of the smallest wireless LAN signals
  • Includes a specially designed LogPer directional antenna with optimized reception pattern as well as an ultra broadband, omni-directional, 360 degree antenna
  • Contains an internal high pass filer at 2.4GHz to reliably suppress the commonly dominant GSM and DECT cordless phone frequencies
  • Calibrated AC signal output for demodulated signal analysis
  • Scalable DC output for data logging
  • Specifically designed for the measurement of modulated signals (“pulse” mode)


  • The meter’s audio tone replicates the patterns and intensity of measured RF emissions
  • Plug in ear phone accessory is optional
  • Comes equipped with both the NiMH rechargable battery and battery charger, a storage/carrying case to hold all the components for the HFW59D.

HFW59D Plus RF Meter Kit Includes:

  • HFW59D: Radio Frequency Analyzer
  • Plastic Carrying Case:  K5 (33x 27 x 8 cm) (13 x 10.6 x 3.2 inches)
  • Antenna: Logarithmic Periodic 2.4 – 10 GHz
  • Antenna: UBB2410 Ultra Broadband Omni-directional 360º 2.4 – 10 GHz
  • RF Preamplifier: HV20_2400G10
  • Users Guide:  RF Analyzer
  • Users Guide:  UBB2410 Ultra Broadband Antenna
  • 2 Year Warranty:  Certificate
  • Battery Pack:  Rechargeable with Charger/Power Supply
  • Silicone Protective Cover:  Black

HFW59D RF Meter

The HFW59D detects wireless technologies such as Radar, Bluetooth, WLAN, WiMAX and cordless telephones operate in the higher frequency ranges of 2.4 GHz – 10 GHz with Audio Signal Analysis. It has been designed to detect and measure the RF emissions generated within this range including the high radar frequency band at 8.5 through 9.5 GHz (Aviation, Naval, Military, Traffic Control Radar).

  • Fully compensated up to 10 GHz which includes the frequently used high radar frequency band at 8.5 through 9.5 GHz (Aviation, Naval, Military, Traffic Control Radar)
  • Maximum VBW for realistic readings of even the shortest radar pulses(smaller than 0.5 µS)
  • Optimized peak hold function
  • 1 µW/m² display resolution (for higher sensitivity, e.g. for wireless LAN signals, use HV20_2400G10)
  • Includes a specially designed LogPer antenna with optimized reception pattern
  • Contains an internal high pass filer at 2.4GHz to reliably suppress the commonly dominant GSM and DECT cordless phone frequencies
  • Calibrated AC signal output for demodulated signal analysis
  • Scalable DC output for data logging.

Specifically designed for the measurement of modulated signals (“pulse” mode)


  • The meter’s audio tone replicates the patterns and intensity of measured RF emissions
  • Plug in ear phone accessory is optional
  • Comes equipped with both the NiMH rechargable battery and battery charger, a storage/carrying case to hold all the components for the HFW59D.

HFW59D RF Meter Includes:

  • HFW59D: Radio Frequency Analyzer
  • Plastic Carrying Case:  K5 (33x 27 x 8 cm) (13 x 10.6 x 3.2 inches)
  • Antenna: Logarithmic Periodic 2.4 – 10 GHz
  • Users Guide:  RF Analyzer
  • 2 Year Warranty:  Certificate
  • Battery Pack:  Rechargable with Charger/Power Supply
  • Silicone Protective Cover:  Black

Safe and Sound Pro II RF Meter

5G Ready! 3rd Party Certified RF Meter with +/- 6dB accuracy from 400 MHz to 7.2 GHz, and effective from 200 MHz to 8 GHz! 
Also includes a premium OLED Display for digital readings up to 2,500,000 µW/m² and down to 0.001 µW/m², Max Hold, Max Reset Button, USB Power Jack for Continuous Monitoring, Volume Control, Headphone Jack, Calibration Certificate and more!

Safe and Sound Pro II RF Meter

We are pleased to announce the release of our Safe and Sound Pro II RF Meter.  The Safe and Sound Pro II RF Meter is a compact, simple to use meter for Radio Frequency / Microwave Radiation (200 MHz to 8Ghz). The meter has been tested and certified by The Nemko Canada Inc Testing Lab in Cambridge Ontario, Canada. 


  • True response detection range: (400 MHz to 7.2 GHz) +/- 6dB, effective 200 MHz to 8 GHz
  • Accuracy +/- 6dB  Performance tested in a 3rd party certified RF testing lab. Each meter is individually calibrated and QC inspected 
  • Sound signature analysis to assist with source identification 
  • 3 selectable volume levels + Sound On/Off Low EMF emissions, designed for the Electrically Hypersensitive person in mind
  • Premium OLED Display for a real time display that is easy to read in any type of light
  • Uses state of the art measurement technology and is sensitive to 0.001 µW/m²
  • Meters are temperature compensated to measure accurately under any environmental conditions
  • Power Response linearization completed in a 3rd party certified RF testing lab
  • Will measure 5G cellular signals between (200MHz – 8GHz) Measures power densities up to 2,500,000 µW/m² and down to 0.001 µW/m²
  • Max Hold with option to clear at anytimeBar graph of RF intensity
  • USB Micro Power Jack for continuous monitoring
  • High quality adjustable Volume Control, as well as 3.5mm headphone jack
  • Battery remaining display
  • Battery operated (2 x AA Alkaline only) – 12 – 15 hour battery life
  • Small, durable and compact handheld design – 7″ X 4.5″ X 1.5″ (17cm x 11cm x 4cm)
  • Engineered in Canada – Manufactured in Canada and the USA2 Year Warranty


  • Quickly determine RF present in your environment within 200 MHz and 8 GHz. Some of the more common sources the meter can detect:
  • Cell towers – 2G, 3G, 4G, 4G LTE, Low and Mid Band 5G
  • Cell phone emissions
  • Cordless home phones
  • Wireless routers (both 2.4 and 5 GHz)
  • Bluetooth devices
  • Smart meter emissions
  • Baby monitors
  • Airport radar
  • Microwave oven leakage detection

Supplied with:

  • Safe and Sound Pro II RF Meter: Qty=1
  • Zippered Carrying Case
  • User’s Guide 
  • AA Alkaline Batteries
  • 2 Year Warranty

Frequency Range of Meter: 
400 MHz – 7.2 GHz (will detect signals from 200 MHz to 8 GHz
+/- 6dB – 3rd Party Certified – report coming soon
Frequency Measuring Range: 
<0.001μW/m2 to >2,500,000μW/m2
Sampling Rate: <5 μs
LED Ranges @ 2.4 GHz: 
Green (Flashing): <1 μW/m2
Green 1 – 10 μW/m2
Yellow 10 – 100 μW/m2
Orange 100 – 1000 μW/m2
Red 1000 – 10000 μW/m2
Red (Slow Flashing) 10,000 μW/m2 – 100,000 μW/m2
Red (Fast Flashing) >100,000 μW/m2
Meter Dimensions: 
6″ x 3.5″ x 1″ (15cm x 9cm x 2.5cm)
Weight (With Zipper Case): 
Material of Case:
Plastic Battery Life: 
2 x AA Alkaline Batteries – 12 to 15 hour battery life

Gigahertz Solutions RF meter HF35C

To measure is to know.

Gigahertz Solutions is the unbeaten number 1 in electrosmog measuring instruments, a pioneer in broadband building biology measuring technology. The devices have ten-thousandfold proven their reliability, accuracy and sensitivity and have shown to be leading-edge in their price category.

This meter is particularly easy to use and allows a straightforward and quick assessment of exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) radiation, a determination of suitable remedial actions, as well as a control of their effectiveness.

This meter offers audio analysis for the identification of pulsed radiation sources. Hear the difference between cell towers with GSM, 3G, and 4G, smartphones, DECT cordless phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, smart meters, radar etc. Frequency range: 800 MHz – 2.7 GHz.