Magnetic Field Shielding

G-iron Flex

Protection against Magnetic Fields – G-iron Flex – Available Per Linear Foot, Per Linear Meter, or by 40 Foot Long Roll – The Rolls are 25.3 inches wide.

G-iron Flex is designed to block AC Magnetic Fields produced by the flow of electrical current. These fields are commonly produced by Power Lines on the street and entering your house, household appliances, electrical wiring in household walls, circuit breaker panels in the home, transformers etc.  Unlike other types of magnetic field shielding, G-iron is very flexible and does not lose its shielding properties when bent or molded to various shapes.  As a result, this product is an excellent choice for many shielding applications.  There are multiple configurations that can be used to enhance the shielding power if required.

  • Reduction of Low Frequency AC Magnetic Fields
  • Excellent Shielding Qualities, especially with high levels of Magnetic Fields
  • Flexible and easy to cut to whichever size is required
  • G-iron is laminated for protection against corrosion
  • Will maintain shielding integrity, even in damp locations.
  • Edges are VERY sharp, handle with caution!

Supplied with Desired Quantity of G-iron Flex

Shielding Mode: Absorbtion
Permeability: Initial: 500, Relative: 7000
Saturation Induction: 20,000,000 mG (2 Tesla)
Curie Temp: 740°C (1364 °F)
Attenuation @ 50 Hz ; 1000mG: >35dB (98%)
Attenuation @ 1000 Hz ; 1000mG: >44dB (99%)
Loss due to mechanical deformation: 2dB
Width of Roll: 25.3 inches Wide (642 mm)
Weight: 0.676 lbs/ft2 (3.3 kg/m2)
Thinkness: 0.028 inches (.7 mm)
Length of Roll: 40 Feet (12.2 m)